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Scientific Achievements and Impact

Scientists of the Institute are researching micro relief, plasmonic structures, synthesizing nanomaterials, investigating their self-assembly methods, microstructures for solid oxide micro fuel cells, corrosion resistant and anti-fogging coatings, superhydrophobic and self-cleaning surfaces, diamond-like carbon and diamond like nanocomposite coatings, 2D nanomaterials, are developing new periodic and holographic relief structure replication methods. Research results were applied for micro and nanodevices and structures, many of which in the area of document anti-counterfeiting solutions. All of these areas are of upmost importance for Lithuanian and EU industry.

2024Nadzeya KhinevichTwo-dimensional structures of nanoparticles for elements of surface-enhanced raman scattering substratesNatural SciencesSigitas Tamulevičius
2023Andrius ŽutautasHigh diffraction efficiency periodic microstructures for optical wavelength range from modelling to implementationTechnological SciencesTomas Tamulevičius
2022Erika RajackaitėMicrowave Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapour Deposition and Quality Studies of Planar and Vertical Graphene LayersTechnological SciencesSigitas Tamulevičius
2022Fariza KalykNanostructured Metal Oxides Doped Ceria Ceramics for Low-Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells ApplicationTechnological SciencesBrigita Abakevičienė
2021Mindaugas JuodėnasSuspended and Arranged Ag Nanoparticles: Self-Assembly and Resonances in NanophotonicsTechnological SciencesSigitas Tamulevičius
2020Aušrinė JurkevičiūtėLaser patterning of nanocomposite diamond-like carbon thin films with metal nanoparticles and investigation of their optical and structural propertiesTechnological SciencesTomas Tamulevičius
2018Dainius VirganavičiusFabrication and evaluation of two dimentional regular nanostructuresTechnological SciencesSigitas Tamulevičius
2017Jolita SakaliūnienėMaterials and Microstructures for Micro Solid Oxide Fuel CellsTechnological SciencesSigitas Tamulevičius
2015Andrius VasiliauskasDiamond Like Carbon Films and their Nanocomposites: Deposition and Investigation of the Piezo resistive PropertiesTechnological SciencesŠarūnas Meškinis
2014Algirdas LazauskasSurface Morphology, Cohesive and Adhesive Properties of Physical Vapour Deposited Chromium and Chromium Composite Thin FilmsTechnological SciencesViktoras Grigaliūnas
2012Asta TamulevičienėAmorphous Carbon Based Nanocomposites for Optical ApplicationsTechnological SciencesSigitas Tamulevičius
2012Tomas TamulevičiusPeriodic Micro Structures for Refractive Index Sensors and Diffractive Optical ElementsPhysical SciencesMindaugas Andrulevičius
2012Gailius VanagasInfluence of Structural Materials Properties on Functional Parameters of Microelectromechanical SystemsTechnological SciencesViktoras Grigaliūnas
2012Eitvydas GruzdysSynthesis and Analysis of Protective Coatings Produced by Thermal SprayPhysical SciencesŠarūnas Meškinis
2011Marius MikolajūnasFormation and Investigation of Silicon Nitride Films for Membrane ApplicationsTechnological SciencesViktoras Grigaliūnas
2009Tomas GrinysVacuum Plasma Spray Deposition of YSZ-NiO-Ni Ceramic CoatingsPhysical SciencesSigitas Tamulevičius
2009Audrius GiedraitisKinetics of Growth, Sorption Properties and Applications of Evaporable Barium Getter FilmsTechnological SciencesSigitas Tamulevičius
2009Rimantas GudaitisThe Investigation of Electrical and Optical Properties of the Ion Beam Synthesized Diamond Like Carbon FilmsTechnological SciencesŠarūnas Meškinis
2008Renata Jarimavičiūtė-ŽvalionienėFormation of Optical Silicon Structures by Electrochemical Etching MethodTechnological SciencesSigitas Tamulevičius
2008Brigita AbakevičienėProcesses of Deposition and Testing of Mechanical Properties of Polymers and Metal Coated PolymersPhysical SciencesSigitas Tamulevičius
2005Asta GuobienėFabrication and Investigation of Periodical Structures in PolymersPhysical SciencesSigitas Tamulevičius
2004Rita KriūkienėEffect of Temperature and Chemical Environment Conditions on Microstructure and Metrological Characteristics of Thermocouple AlloysTechnological SciencesSigitas Tamulevičius
2004Judita PuišoGrowth Kinetics and Properties of Lead Sulphide Thin Films Deposited on Crystalline Silicon Using Successive Ionic Layer Adsorption and Reaction MethodPhysical SciencesSigitas Tamulevičius
2001Rytis DargisInvestigation of Parameters of Plasma Spray in Low Vacuum on Fabricated Ni-Al Films Electrophysical CharacteristicsTechnological SciencesSigitas Tamulevičius
2001Arnoldas UžupisThermal Modification of Indium Oxide and Tin Alloy Films, Fabricated by Magnetron SputteringPhysical SciencesSigitas Tamulevičius
1993Kazys BabiliusThe Tribological Properties of Titanium Nitride, Fabricated Using Arc DischargeTechnological SciencesSigitas Tamulevičius
1990Juozas BudinavičiusProcesses in Metal and Silicon System Thin Films Technology Using Deposition and Simultaneous High Energy Ion IrradiationTechnological SciencesSigitas Tamulevičius