KTU researcher’s dissertation evaluated by the European Collaborative network od doctoral programmes

Important | 2024-09-05

Nadzeya Khinevich, a PhD student at the Institute of Materials Science, has successfully defended her PhD thesis in Physics (the supervisor prof. Sigitas Tamulevičius) and received an important recognition from the Collaborative network of doctoral programmes in Physics and Chemistry of Advanced Materials (PCAM).

In order to obtain the additional certificate of Doctor Europaeus, the PhD student must systematically pursue this goal throughout the doctoral years. In particular, to be eligible for this additional certificate, the university must be a member of the European Research Network of the doctoral programme in Advanced Materials Physics and Chemistry (PCAM). Currently 15 European universities including Kaunas University of Technology join this initiative. The main requirement for a PhD student is a 6-month placement at a PCAM network university. PCAM PhD students are encouraged to participate in the programme’s summer schools and take a module at a partner university. Other requirements for the dissertation and its defence: the dissertation must be written in English, evaluated and publicly defended by at least 2 foreign researchers, at least one of whom is based at a PCAM network university. The final stage, which ultimately determines whether the additional diploma is awarded, is no longer up to the PhD student: the dissertation is sent to all PCAM representatives for evaluation. If any of them objects or questions the value of the thesis, the diploma is not awarded. Gratifying, Nadzeya succeeded to pass all the required activities, her thesis was approved unanimously granting her the Doctor Europaeus certificate.