Prof. Raymond C. Rumpf an intensive course „Photonic Simulation for the Beginner: Finite-Difference Frequency-Domain in MATLAB®“

Important | 2023-09-19

If You are interested in photonics and numerical modeling methods, we invite You to join an intensive course „Photonic Simulation for the Beginner: Finite-Difference Frequency-Domain in MATLAB®“. The course is held by Prof. Raymond C. Rumpf from the University of Texas at El Paso from October 3rd to October 9th. The course will be held in English. You can read more about Prof. Raymond C. Rumpf here:,

The course will consist of theory lectures and practical sessions. Participation in practical sessions requires having a laptop with “MATLAB®” or “Octave” (if “MATLAB®” is not available). Employees and students of KTU can use a campus-wide “MATLAB®” license and install it by creating a “MathWorks” account with their University email here:

The venue will have limited opportunities to charge Your laptop, therefore we kindly ask You to register for the event through this link: The deadline for registration is September 29th (Friday).

The flyer with a preliminary program is attached. Please note, the events of October 3rd to 6th will be held in “Santaka” valley, while the events of the 9th will be held in Studentų g. 50.

The course is structured in a way that allows for participation in either separate days or the whole course. The course will end with a seminar “Career development”.

The course is jointly organized by the “OPTICA” student chapter of the Faculty of KTU Mathematics and Natural Sciences and the research group “Applied Optics and Photonics”. Please refer any questions to PhD student Tomas Klinavičius (

In case of any changes, all registered participants will be informed by email. Registered participants will receive participation certificates.

The event is free to attend, the visit of Prof. Raymond C. Rumpf is sponsored by “OPTICA”.